Richard Lochhead

Moray SNP News



Moray’s SNP MSP has welcomed Education Scotland’s positive report following a visit by inspectors to Logie Primary School in September.

Education Scotland’s report praised the leadership of the head teacher in improving the life of the school, as well as praising the dedicated staff for providing learning opportunities that motivate the pupils to learn.  The report described the children at Logie Primary as happy, articulate and eager to learn.

Richard Lochhead MSP praised the staff at Logie Primary after the report rated all aspects of the school’s performance as either ‘very good’ or ‘good’.

Commenting, Mr Lochhead said:

“The staff at Logie Primary deserve huge credit for this very positive inspection report. 

“There’s clearly a lot of good work being done by the teachers and staff to ensure the kids have a positive learning environment, which is really helping them to develop their skills.

“Pupils at Logie were praised for the attitude to learning and the whole community can be very proud of what’s being achieved at one of Moray’s smaller schools.” 

Local SNP Councillor Aaron McLean added:

“The work done in the last few years at Logie has been tremendous. This was a school that was struggling to attract a head teacher at one point and the turnaround has been amazing.

“The staff deserve a huge amount of credit as do the pupils for continuing to work hard and continue to enjoy their learning in the school.”
