Richard Lochhead

Moray SNP News



Commenting after the vote of the Scottish Parliament this evening, mandating the Scottish Government to open formal talks with the UK Government on the details of a Section 30 order, to enable an independence referendum to take place when the choice between an independent Scotland and the UK’s Brexit deal is clear, Moray MSP Richard Lochhead said:

“I voted in favour of the Scottish Government seeking discussions with the UK Government to enable a second independence referendum to take place to give the people of Scotland the opportunity to choose a different path to a hard Brexit.

“The Moray Scottish Parliament constituency voted to Remain in the EU. I know the result was very close across the wider Moray local authority area that includes Buckie but even many of those that voted to Leave, for reasons I respect , did not vote to be forced out of the Single Market as well with all the economic damage that will bring to the area. Many local companies like Walkers export to Europe and don’t need Scotland to be dragged out of the Single Market against our will.

“The decision by the Conservative Government to ignore Scotland’s result or even accept the case for a bespoke deal for Scotland means that once we know the terms of Brexit in eighteen months or two years we should be given the chance to choose a different future.

“The Moray economy gains from Single Market membership and free movement of people allows thousands of EU nationals to live and work in Moray.  From food processing factories to Dr Gray’s hospital to our schools, Moray benefits from the ability of EU nationals to easily move to Moray and live here as part of our community.  

“Moray was told in 2014 that the only way to protect our place in Europe was to vote against independence – now it seems the only way to maintain our ties with Europe and protect our living standards is to take charge of our own future. The next referendum will not be only be about our relationship with Europe it will be about taking charge of our destiny and making decisions for ourselves rather than have others we didn’t vote for taking them on our behalf.”
