Richard Lochhead

Moray SNP News



Local MSP Richard Lochhead is meeting the Chief Executive of EDF, Matthieu Hue, on Monday 16th April to discuss the concerns over the extent of community benefit being offered by the company as part of the Dorenell Wind Farm development.

The concerns have been expressed by The United Communities Impacted by the Dornell Wind Farm Ltd who recently met the MSP in Dufftown. This is an umbrella group comprising Dufftown and District Community Association, Glenlivet and Inveravon Community Association, Glenrinnes Community Centre, Cabrach Community Association.

Guidance from the Scottish Government recommends that energy companies pay community benefit at a rate of £5000 per MW and members of the local community groups are disappointed that EDF has not committed to this level of payment for Dorenell Wind Farm, which is currently under construction. 

Speaking ahead of his meeting, Mr Lochhead said:

“The national standard for community benefit from onshore wind developers is £5000 per MW and it is disappointing that EDF has not so far matched this and the local communities in Speyside find themselves having to join forces to urge a rethink otherwise they face losing out on millions of pounds in the coming years.

“It’s only right that our communities in the north of Scotland, who ironically pay higher costs for energy, get their fair share of the income generated from such wind farms. 

“Many communities in Scotland receive £5000 per MW in community benefit or even more, so I will be putting the communities’ demands to EDF’s chief executive at our meeting on Monday.

“Onshore wind has a valuable role to play in our energy mix but Moray’s communities must receive a fair share in the revenues generated from our natural resources to help local development and the economy. This case does beg the question as to how many wind farm companies in Scotland are not paying the recommended national standard in community benefit, an issue I have raised with Scottish Ministers previously.”

 Spokesperson from the United Communities Impact Group, Fraser McGill has asked that we issue the following statement on his behalf:

“The facts of the matter are clear, the Dorenell wind farm stands to support Scotland’s low carbon Electricity Future and the owner of the Wind Farm (Electricity de France ER ltd), along with the owner of the Glenfiddich Estate (Christopher Moran) stand to benefit from the consumer subsidised income that facilities Renewable Energy generation.

“The United Communities Impacted by the Dorenell Wind Farm are however the runner-up in this arrangement because EDF are refusing to pay the same level of community benefit to us as they pay other communities in Scotland.

“The United Communities Impacted by the Dorenell Wind Farm represent about 2,500 residents who suffer from the most expensive electricity costs to consumers in the UK. Our communities are in need of investment and support and the difference that the extra £20 Million pound over 25 years will make would be immeasurable.

“Electricity de France (EDF) and the Glenfiddich Estate owner, Christopher Moran, stand to generate profit in excess of £1 Billion pounds over the 25 years of operation. We cannot understand why EDF and Christopher Moran choose not to support us with the additional £20 Million over 25 years. £28 Million in total.

“It has become clear that Electricity de France (EDF) are supporting other communities in Scotland with greater than £5000 per MW but they are only willing to pay the local community £2000 per MW.  Through our research we discovered that the rest of the big 6 energy providers do pay £5000 per MW.”
