Richard Lochhead

Moray SNP News



Richard Lochhead MSP has written to the Chief Executive of the Moray Council asking for action to help clean up the cycle path between Elgin and Lhanbryde at the back of KFC.

Constituents have contacted Moray’s MSP expressing their frustration at the amount of litter and dog mess left on the path, which is used regularly by commuters, families, cyclists and dog walkers.  Residents at Pinefield have also expressed concerns over mess dumped by those eating fast food from nearby outlets in their cars. 

Mr Lochhead has contacted the Moray Council to ask that it take action to help clean up the area and has proposed that they install bins in the area in an effort to reduce the litter left along the path. 

Commenting, the MSP said:

“I’ve been contacted by constituents in Elgin who are completely fed up with the litter being left along the cycle path and around KFC which is making the area look untidy.

“The cycle path is popular and well used by commuters and local families and no doubt the vast majority of users will take their litter and dog mess home with them.  However, there is clearly a problem that needs to be addressed and I have asked the Council to look at what action they can take to help keep the area clean and tidy.

“Some residents have suggested the answer is to have bins installed at the path behind KFC as I understand there’s no bins there at the moment, which I’ve put to the Council as a potential solution.  Hopefully they’ll consider this as it’s clearly a problem and of course I would encourage folk who use the path to take their rubbish home with them.”
