Moray SNP News
Moray MSP, Richard Lochhead, has written a strong letter to the Managing Director of Smart Parking Ltd, following contact from a constituent who has suffered as a result of the company’s disgraceful practices.
The issue came to light when a constituent got in touch to say that the she received a parking fine from the company following use of their Strother’s Lane Car Park in Inverness. The fine was received due to an error when she keyed in her car’s registration number following her stay at the car park. Despite clarifying the situation with the company and them reportedly acknowledging that the constituent did, in fact, pay for her parking, they informed her that they were pursuing the charge regardless.
This follows on from another recent case pursued by Mr Lochhead, when an elderly gentleman had driven round the same car park, was unable to find a space and left, but received a fine for the privilege of having looked. It took two letters from Mr Lochhead before the company backed down and finally quashed the fine.
Mr Lochhead said:
“This sort of behaviour is deplorable. Companies must not get away with such underhand and loathsome tactics.
“To fine someone because they accidently entered their registration number incorrectly is unacceptable, particularly when they acknowledge the error but pursue the fine regardless! The company is deliberately capitalising from human error. Similarly, to fine an elderly man who was unable to find a parking space is incredible and policies such as these, which would of course be most likely to impact on the vulnerable in society, are abhorrent.
“I look forward to hearing back from Smart Parking and I would encourage anyone using their car parks to have their wits about them and to get in touch should they find themselves on the receiving end of such unjust and bullying tactics.”